Living Light: Conserving Bioluminescent Plants and Animals is in print today!
Happy New Year!
I have just finished up the last project of last year; illustrations for The Amazing Adventures of MAX The Mindful Mouse. There were many firsts in this project, one being working on a book about a meditating mouse, another being working with a Psychologist on a children’s book...though I have to admit that I did work with a Psychiatrist on Tales from the River Periyar - Kerala Folktales. Another first was developing my own hand lettering in Procreate for the cover art as seen below.
Hello from Max! Red brick Brownstone in Brooklyn
Max, in the mouse hole, describing his encounter with humans
The IRT subway entrance to Columbia University
Katey meditating by the golden Buddha statue
Max' mom meets Katey's mom
The Great Race between Kermit the cat and Mike
Kermit giving rides to the mice children
Manny and Max playing Jump, Tumble and Roll Max watches the meditators
Mouse hide and seek. How many mice can you find?
Max speaks at Columbia
The parachute jump on Max by Manny
Special thanks to Rich Fields and his wife Deborah Jerome who were a pleasure to work with. Hopefully the book will be in print in the next few months.
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Wowzer! It’s been a big year. I haven’t had any time to post here so, be warned - this might be a big one. I have had 5 books published this year, 2 of which I authored and 3 that I illustrated. The illustration project was huge and ate up most of the first half of the year. I did manage to write a STEM reader for Canadian publisher Rubicon in the midst of that but cannot seem to get a hold of the book online to post here. Let it be known however that Climate, an engineering reader for GL3 is out there somewhere. It was well-received by the publisher but I have no idea how the readership and subsequent purchaser Pearson felt about it. More to come on that at a later date.
Macmillan Educational commissioned me to do a series of grammar books entitled Grammar Way earlier this. I declined the offer to write them but did end up illustrating them. A few of the illustrations were shown here on a previous post - digital art using an iPad Pro, an Apple Pencil and software Procreate. The covers and a few more images are pasted below.
More news to come in the next post.CREATE EVERY DAY!!!
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For those who don’t know, Procreate is an iPad app, a drawing and a painting software that provides multiple layers, media and other options to save your art in a variety of formats that can be uploaded and shared either to a desktop computer or with other networks. One of the features of Procreate that I really like is that it saves a time-lapse video of your art creation process. I’m linking to a video I just uploaded to my YouTube channel below so you can get the idea. It has been edited and sped up for brevity.
I have been working on a series of books for a publisher on the subject of English Grammar and Composition. Here are a few of the illustrations completed using Procreate.
The texture has been created by adding a scanned canvas layer set to multiply.Please leave your comments..
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It's the perfect time for watercolours in the mountains.
The days have cooled off but are still very pleasant for hiking, photography and painting. The scenery is stunning!
The atmospheric panorama in the Kullu and neighbouring valleys is well-suited to the watercolour medium. The air quality, though far from pristine with particulate matter held in a state of suspended animation for days or even weeks on end, allows for beautiful washy blue and purple mountain ranges at the end of the valley in many scenes, wonderfully suited to glazes of the transparent hues, cobalt blue, aureolin yellow and rose madder genuine. But more of that later.Let's get out the watercolour paper and get down to preparing the ground for some great landscape paintings. Speaking of paper, I recommend using only 100% cotton rag paper. A cheaper paper (containing wood fibre or with machine made textures) will just not give you the quality of surface, nor the archival resilience, that a pure cotton paper such as Arches or Fabriano will give you. Furthermore, the absorptive nature of the paper and how long they hold their glazes of water or pigment is vital to good quality watercolour painting. Treat yourself! You won't regret it.I use Arches (French-made) watercolour paper, cold-pressed, rough and hot-pressed paper (depending on the subject matter). I prefer the 140 lb. paper though have been getting rather spoiled lately with even thicker paper (300 lb) that does not require stretching. I do stretch my paper as I prefer a non-responsive surface, in terms of buckling and warping. I soak the paper for a few minutes in water and then staple it down onto a masonite board that is at least 1/2 inch thick so as to ensure that it does not warp on me.
This is my current studio setup using my oil painting easel to perch my board with the stretched watercolour paper. This allows for adjustment of the angle of slope of the artwork which is helpful in being able to control washes and change to gravitational pull on the pigment as it is setting into the paper. This setup is a work in progress.
Let's talk about paint brands. I use Windsor and Newton watercolours because I know and trust their pigments, the colours, the quality and the consistency. There are many other good brands out there but it is good to be consistent in what you use so that you know what colour you are getting when you reach for a tube of paint. Beware of the studio quality paints that say, for instance Cobalt blue hue, or alizarin crimson hue. The use of the term 'hue' means that another component has been added to simulate the colour specified. However the quality of the pigment is often sacrificed and you can never be sure of the pigment's qualities.
Let's talk Pigment Quality
Study this chart. There is a lot to be learned! See if your paint supply contains the pigments in this chart and let's talk about how to go about using the quality of the pigments in your palette for creating successful paintings.In the meantime, let me leave you with this painting of the Kullu Valley from Diyar. This was painted in the field in about 2 hours. Note the use of transparent glazes of cobalt blue and rose madder in the distance with some burnt sienna applied to the right distant hills.The burnt sienna and rose madder genuine also show up in the foreground fields. Richer winsor greens and cadmium reds were applied to the wet-in-wet trees in the middle distance and foreground left with viridian used for the lighter trees scattered on the periphery of the fields.This study gives you an idea of how transparent watercolour paints can be used to create atmospheric perspective in landscapes.Let's talk again soon. In the meantime, enjoy your painting, be reckless but have faith that you can pull it off. Check back in later for some more tips.0Add a comment
It's the perfect time for watercolours in the mountains.
The days have cooled off but are still very pleasant for hiking, photography and painting. The scenery is stunning!
The atmospheric panorama in the Kullu and neighbouring valleys is well-suited to the watercolour medium. The air quality, though far from pristine with particulate matter held in a state of suspended animation for days or even weeks on end, allows for beautiful washy blue and purple mountain ranges at the end of the valley in many scenes, wonderfully suited to glazes of the transparent hues, cobalt blue, aureolin yellow and rose madder genuine. But more of that later.Let's get out the watercolour paper and get down to preparing the ground for some great landscape paintings. Speaking of paper, I recommend using only 100% cotton rag paper. A cheaper paper (containing wood fibre or with machine made textures) will just not give you the quality of surface, nor the archival resilience, that a pure cotton paper such as Arches or Fabriano will give you. Furthermore, the absorptive nature of the paper and how long they hold their glazes of water or pigment is vital to good quality watercolour painting. Treat yourself! You won't regret it.I use Arches (French-made) watercolour paper, cold-pressed, rough and hot-pressed paper (depending on the subject matter). I prefer the 140 lb. paper though have been getting rather spoiled lately with even thicker paper (300 lb) that does not require stretching. I do stretch my paper as I prefer a non-responsive surface, in terms of buckling and warping. I soak the paper for a few minutes in water and then staple it down onto a masonite board that is at least 1/2 inch thick so as to ensure that it does not warp on me.
This is my current studio setup using my oil painting easel to perch my board with the stretched watercolour paper. This allows for adjustment of the angle of slope of the artwork which is helpful in being able to control washes and change to gravitational pull on the pigment as it is setting into the paper. This setup is a work in progress.
Let's talk about paint brands. I use Windsor and Newton watercolours because I know and trust their pigments, the colours, the quality and the consistency. There are many other good brands out there but it is good to be consistent in what you use so that you know what colour you are getting when you reach for a tube of paint. Beware of the studio quality paints that say, for instance Cobalt blue hue, or alizarin crimson hue. The use of the term 'hue' means that another component has been added to simulate the colour specified. However the quality of the pigment is often sacrificed and you can never be sure of the pigment's qualities.
Let's talk Pigment Quality
Study this chart. There is a lot to be learned! See if your paint supply contains the pigments in this chart and let's talk about how to go about using the quality of the pigments in your palette for creating successful paintings.In the meantime, let me leave you with this painting of the Kullu Valley from Diyar. This was painted in the field in about 2 hours. Note the use of transparent glazes of cobalt blue and rose madder in the distance with some burnt sienna applied to the right distant hills.The burnt sienna and rose madder genuine also show up in the foreground fields. Richer winsor greens and cadmium reds were applied to the wet-in-wet trees in the middle distance and foreground left with viridian used for the lighter trees scattered on the periphery of the fields.This study gives you an idea of how transparent watercolour paints can be used to create atmospheric perspective in landscapes.Let's talk again soon. In the meantime, enjoy your painting, be reckless but have faith that you can pull it off. Check back in later for some more tips.0Add a comment
It's the perfect time for watercolours in the mountains.
The days have cooled off but are still very pleasant for hiking, photography and painting. The scenery is stunning!
The atmospheric panorama in the Kullu and neighbouring valleys is well-suited to the watercolour medium. The air quality, though far from pristine with particulate matter held in a state of suspended animation for days or even weeks on end, allows for beautiful washy blue and purple mountain ranges at the end of the valley in many scenes, wonderfully suited to glazes of the transparent hues, cobalt blue, aureolin yellow and rose madder genuine. But more of that later.Let's get out the watercolour paper and get down to preparing the ground for some great landscape paintings. Speaking of paper, I recommend using only 100% cotton rag paper. A cheaper paper (containing wood fibre or with machine made textures) will just not give you the quality of surface, nor the archival resilience, that a pure cotton paper such as Arches or Fabriano will give you. Furthermore, the absorptive nature of the paper and how long they hold their glazes of water or pigment is vital to good quality watercolour painting. Treat yourself! You won't regret it.I use Arches (French-made) watercolour paper, cold-pressed, rough and hot-pressed paper (depending on the subject matter). I prefer the 140 lb. paper though have been getting rather spoiled lately with even thicker paper (300 lb) that does not require stretching. I do stretch my paper as I prefer a non-responsive surface, in terms of buckling and warping. I soak the paper for a few minutes in water and then staple it down onto a masonite board that is at least 1/2 inch thick so as to ensure that it does not warp on me.
This is my current studio setup using my oil painting easel to perch my board with the stretched watercolour paper. This allows for adjustment of the angle of slope of the artwork which is helpful in being able to control washes and change to gravitational pull on the pigment as it is setting into the paper. This setup is a work in progress.
Let's talk about paint brands. I use Windsor and Newton watercolours because I know and trust their pigments, the colours, the quality and the consistency. There are many other good brands out there but it is good to be consistent in what you use so that you know what colour you are getting when you reach for a tube of paint. Beware of the studio quality paints that say, for instance Cobalt blue hue, or alizarin crimson hue. The use of the term 'hue' means that another component has been added to simulate the colour specified. However the quality of the pigment is often sacrificed and you can never be sure of the pigment's qualities.
Let's talk Pigment Quality
Study this chart. There is a lot to be learned! See if your paint supply contains the pigments in this chart and let's talk about how to go about using the quality of the pigments in your palette for creating successful paintings.In the meantime, let me leave you with this painting of the Kullu Valley from Diyar. This was painted in the field in about 2 hours. Note the use of transparent glazes of cobalt blue and rose madder in the distance with some burnt sienna applied to the right distant hills.The burnt sienna and rose madder genuine also show up in the foreground fields. Richer winsor greens and cadmium reds were applied to the wet-in-wet trees in the middle distance and foreground left with viridian used for the lighter trees scattered on the periphery of the fields.This study gives you an idea of how transparent watercolour paints can be used to create atmospheric perspective in landscapes.Let's talk again soon. In the meantime, enjoy your painting, be reckless but have faith that you can pull it off. Check back in later for some more tips.0Add a comment
It's the perfect time for watercolours in the mountains.
The days have cooled off but are still very pleasant for hiking, photography and painting. The scenery is stunning!
The atmospheric panorama in the Kullu and neighbouring valleys is well-suited to the watercolour medium. The air quality, though far from pristine with particulate matter held in a state of suspended animation for days or even weeks on end, allows for beautiful washy blue and purple mountain ranges at the end of the valley in many scenes, wonderfully suited to glazes of the transparent hues, cobalt blue, aureolin yellow and rose madder genuine. But more of that later.Let's get out the watercolour paper and get down to preparing the ground for some great landscape paintings. Speaking of paper, I recommend using only 100% cotton rag paper. A cheaper paper (containing wood fibre or with machine made textures) will just not give you the quality of surface, nor the archival resilience, that a pure cotton paper such as Arches or Fabriano will give you. Furthermore, the absorptive nature of the paper and how long they hold their glazes of water or pigment is vital to good quality watercolour painting. Treat yourself! You won't regret it.I use Arches (French-made) watercolour paper, cold-pressed, rough and hot-pressed paper (depending on the subject matter). I prefer the 140 lb. paper though have been getting rather spoiled lately with even thicker paper (300 lb) that does not require stretching. I do stretch my paper as I prefer a non-responsive surface, in terms of buckling and warping. I soak the paper for a few minutes in water and then staple it down onto a masonite board that is at least 1/2 inch thick so as to ensure that it does not warp on me.
This is my current studio setup using my oil painting easel to perch my board with the stretched watercolour paper. This allows for adjustment of the angle of slope of the artwork which is helpful in being able to control washes and change to gravitational pull on the pigment as it is setting into the paper. This setup is a work in progress.
Let's talk about paint brands. I use Windsor and Newton watercolours because I know and trust their pigments, the colours, the quality and the consistency. There are many other good brands out there but it is good to be consistent in what you use so that you know what colour you are getting when you reach for a tube of paint. Beware of the studio quality paints that say, for instance Cobalt blue hue, or alizarin crimson hue. The use of the term 'hue' means that another component has been added to simulate the colour specified. However the quality of the pigment is often sacrificed and you can never be sure of the pigment's qualities.
Let's talk Pigment Quality
Study this chart. There is a lot to be learned! See if your paint supply contains the pigments in this chart and let's talk about how to go about using the quality of the pigments in your palette for creating successful paintings.In the meantime, let me leave you with this painting of the Kullu Valley from Diyar. This was painted in the field in about 2 hours. Note the use of transparent glazes of cobalt blue and rose madder in the distance with some burnt sienna applied to the right distant hills.The burnt sienna and rose madder genuine also show up in the foreground fields. Richer winsor greens and cadmium reds were applied to the wet-in-wet trees in the middle distance and foreground left with viridian used for the lighter trees scattered on the periphery of the fields.This study gives you an idea of how transparent watercolour paints can be used to create atmospheric perspective in landscapes.Let's talk again soon. In the meantime, enjoy your painting, be reckless but have faith that you can pull it off. Check back in later for some more tips.0Add a comment
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