1. These sketches show the diversity of form and shape found in coral reefs but they can't do justice to the color palette encountered by poking your nose (or goggles) between these staghorns. It is a pity to think that warming waters are endangering these vital ecosystems. Corals have a very limited temperature range within which the xooanthellae, the algae that live in the coral casing and provide nutrients to the coral polyps, can live. When the algae die-off, the coral is not far behind. To make matters worse, the excess man-made CO2 in our atmosphere enters the ocean through absorption by phytoplanktonic photosynthesis. It is this CO2 that is acidifying the ocean waters and making carbonic acid that weakens shellfish and the coral structures. The beautiful array of marine life that live in the reefs are in danger of losing their homes if fossil fuel emissions are not reduced and CO2 levels in the atmosphere brought back to 350 ppm.

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  2. Everyone loves dolphins. Why? Because they have a perpetual smile on their faces - seemingly. But don't be fooled by these beaked Cetaceans, they are fierce hunters. They corral unsuspecting plankton feeders, driving them into smaller and smaller schools until they can pick them off one at a time. One of the ways they encircle them is with a smoke screen of bubbles. How sweet is that!
    The baby dolphins are smart too, hitching a ride on the back of mom or dad, makes for easy swimming in this bubbly underworld.

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  3. Predators abound in the ocean waters.
    In fact, eating and being eaten seems to be normal, daily life for those living below sea level in the waters of our warming and acidifying oceans. The worst threat is the one who is not seen at all, the tiniest and the subtlest, a molecule with a simple chemical make-up - a carbon atom with 2 oxygen attached attached - the dreaded CO2 molecule!!!
    Carbon dioxide aside, I wouldn't want to run into either of the two species depicted in the sketch sheet above, the great white shark or the weird but fierce hammerhead, at least not without my speedo flippers on. I just hope they don't run out of food down there anytime soon.

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Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
I am a Canadian author/illustrator of fiction and non-fiction for both trade and educational publishers in Canada, the US, and abroad. I have written 4 trade books for Orca books, illustrated and written over 2 dozen picture books and am coauthor/illustrator of an environmental middle-grade fiction series for Harper Collins Children's Books in India. Email: steve@stephenaitken.com
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The Mountain that Loved a Bird
The Mountain that Loved a Bird
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The Everything Tarot Book
The Everything Tarot Book
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