1. Ruby-throated Hummingbird
    Sometimes patience pays off. This time it did. I was contracted in 2010 to write a 5-book series for Marshall Cavendish Benchmark (MCB). The books were to be 64-pages, ~12,000 words, illustrated with colour photographs. I finished the series in the spring of 2012 but just at the same time MCB put up a For Sale sign out front. The books sat there, fully written, edited and designed with no projects moving to the printers at all. Even my editor was out of a job as most of the MCB editorial staff had been let go. I worked on other projects, keeping one eye out for the buyer of MCB.For an entire year nothing happened. Then one day I was reading Publisher's Weekly  and I saw an article about the Cavendish Square purchase of MCB. I searched online for a press release, found it and at the bottom was an email address. I sent off a quick email to Cavendish Square (CS), a new imprint of Rosen Publishers, telling them about my series and asking whether they would be interested in taking it to press. Within 3 hours the phone rang. It was an editor at CS - they definitely wanted to publisher the series!
    A few weeks later after updating the data, to account for studies that came out in the year 2012, the manuscripts were completed. The series is now at the printers. Young readers can look for these books in the library in August, 2013 or order directly from Cavendish Square.

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Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
I am a Canadian author/illustrator of fiction and non-fiction for both trade and educational publishers in Canada, the US, and abroad. I have written 4 trade books for Orca books, illustrated and written over 2 dozen picture books and am coauthor/illustrator of an environmental middle-grade fiction series for Harper Collins Children's Books in India. Email: steve@stephenaitken.com
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