Happy New Year!
I have just finished up the last project of last year; illustrations for The Amazing Adventures of MAX The Mindful Mouse. There were many firsts in this project, one being working on a book about a meditating mouse, another being working with a Psychologist on a children’s book...though I have to admit that I did work with a Psychiatrist on Tales from the River Periyar - Kerala Folktales. Another first was developing my own hand lettering in Procreate for the cover art as seen below.
Hello from Max! Red brick Brownstone in Brooklyn
Max, in the mouse hole, describing his encounter with humans
The IRT subway entrance to Columbia University
Katey meditating by the golden Buddha statue
Max' mom meets Katey's mom
The Great Race between Kermit the cat and Mike
Kermit giving rides to the mice children
Manny and Max playing Jump, Tumble and Roll Max watches the meditators
Mouse hide and seek. How many mice can you find?
Max speaks at Columbia
The parachute jump on Max by Manny
Special thanks to Rich Fields and his wife Deborah Jerome who were a pleasure to work with. Hopefully the book will be in print in the next few months.
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